Using Discount Tire Coupons

Posted by Editor | 1:08 AM

Tires are expensive and prices always tend to be on an upswing. It is no wonder then that so many consumers tend to make the decision to purchase tires when they have discount tire coupons. Before running to the tire shop though, make sure that you have all the information that you need to make a smart purchase. You should know not only exactly what is on sale but exactly what the real cost of buying the tire will be. It takes a bit of extra effort to make this determination but considering the three key points below can help you to have a better tire buying experience.

Quality versus Discount

One of the biggest issues facing those that buy cheap tires is the problem of quality versus cost. Not all tires are of equal quality; some manufacturers consistently produce a good product while others tend to value economy over true value. When you use a discount coupon you should still try to make sure that the tire that you are buying is one that holds up to the highest standards of safety and quality. Regardless of what is on sale during a given period it is always smart to take time out to research the reputation of your tires. This may mean skipping a sale but it will still save you time and money in the long run.

Do the Math

Many coupons tend to present deals in terms of simple math rather than in concrete prices. Common deals include “twenty five percent off” or “buy one get one free” coupons. This is actually quite a clever ploy by dealers as it preys on the desire of a consumer to get a good deal. It also preys on the tendency of consumers to pursue a good deal without taking the time out to do the necessary math. If you are only considering purchasing a new tire because of a coupon take a bit of time to do the math ahead of time. Twenty-five percent off of a certain brand may still be significantly more than you wish to pay and two high priced tires for the price of one may still be out of your price range. Try to get familiar with the general tire prices before relying on a discount; this will allow you to have a better idea of the price at the register.

Beware of Fine Print

As with any coupon always make sure to take a look at the fine print. The vast majority of discount tire coupons are valid. Unfortunately a number of the coupons will only specify important details in fine print. Look especially hard at deals that seem a bit too good to be true; getting a “free tire” may require the purchase of several other tires while a coupon that specifies “fifty percent off” may require purchasing a certain brand. Most coupons will lock you into purchasing a specific sort of tire so make sure that you know what you are getting into before stepping foot in a tire store. If in doubt give the dealer a call before you head out — dealers tend to be happy to answer questions about their sales. Most dealers after all do not wish to waste time with customers that are unwilling to buy a product.

When using discount tire coupons make sure to do a bit of legwork before you go into the store. Make sure that the tires being discounted are of a reasonable quality know exactly how much money you will save with your discount and make sure that you read the fine print on the coupon. With these simple steps you can take advantage of those coupons that will truly save you money.