Since you are reading this article on a site about discount tire coupons, you are someone obviously concerned with cost. With that in mind it is important to realize there are often unexpected charges that come with a new tire purchase, and they are often not listed on the coupon. It isn’t a matter of the tire center trying to “sneak” charges by you. These fees are often simply the cost of doing business – the hard costs.
Here are some frequent ones:
* Mounting and balancing of tires
This is frequently an added cost. However, most tire change specialists will note this upfront, because they don’t want to get in a fight with a customer once the tires are on. If you aren’t sure, just ask.
*Installation of valve stems (possibly)
Usually this is not an expensive add-on. Additionally, the jury is out on how often this should be performed. Some enthusiastic auto care professionals insist on having them changed every time, while others say every 2-3 times you get new tires this should be done. If you don’t know or can’t remember the last time the valve stems were replaced you should go ahead and have them changed, and make a note of it in your maintenance log and keep that in your glove compartment.
*Disposal cost of your old tires
Some states (like California) have very rigorous tire disposal procedures and costs associated with that. Inquiring about disposal fees is a good question to ask after printing out one of the coupons and calling to schedule an appointment.
*Other fees including local taxes
Again, a hard cost associated with doing business in your local area.
*Road hazard protection (an option)
Often an extra option you can choose to pay for so that your are warrantied against (for example) a damaged tire that is damaged due to a road hazard that occurred during normal driving.
And there you have it! Hopefully this will help out with asking the right questions when you are getting your tires changed.
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